Organizational Structure

PAMEC.Energy Association is a not-for-profit organization registered in Nova Scotia Canada under the Province’s Societies Act. The membership of the Association is open to all who support the objective of advancing marine renewable energy research and development in the Americas. The Board of Directors has an international composition, with reserved seats for Directors in various jurisdictions in the Americas, including Canada, USA, Central America and Mexico, South America, the Caribbean, and Directors elected at large. The Association serves as an administrative oversight body for conferences and is responsible for the conduct of them. The aim of PAMEC.Energy Association is to create space for collaboration between the various stakeholders involved in the marine renewable energy sector within the Americas, and with the rest of the world. 

The PAMEC.Energy Association formally receives, holds and disperses funds for its own operations and that of conferences. They will officially approve membership in and decisions by advisory, operational and conference management bodies.

Conference Framework

Sessions at the conference are framed with invited international experts on a specific topic. The sessions then features work of regional stakeholders and researchers at the Masters, Ph.D. or Post-Doc level on topics relevant to the development of the full range of energy supplies from or in the marine environment. 

The conference address topics related ocean currents, offshore wind, waves, tidal, thermal gradients, and salinity gradient energy resources; and the technologies needed to integrate marine renewable energy into a local grid. The themes covered in the conference include, but are not limited to:

  • Government Leadership and Direction
  • Resource Assessment and Evaluation
  • Environmental Impacts and Mitigation
  • Technology Development
  • Integrating Marine and Other Renewables Solutions
  • Small Scale Tidal Opportunities and Experience in the Americas
  • Social and Policy Support Issues

Technical and Program Committee

The Technical and Program Committee is responsible for the content of the conference, including the selection of key topics, themes, key speakers, and the oversight of the paper selections. Additional experts may be added from the Americas if desired by the Board.

The core membership of the Board is made up of those who have previously agreed to be part of the Technical Committee for PAMEC 2020. To strengthen the regional representation and promote the experience of next-generation research leaders, the Board will have additional representatives add to reach a total of 20 members.

Communications among Technical Board Members will be through email and internet apps, but Board Members will also meet on an annual basis, either before a conference or in conjunction with another conference such as EWTEC, AWTEC or ICOE.

Conference Local Organizing Committee

This committee is responsible for the logistics and associated events of the conference. Issues such as venues, receptions, dinners, recommended accommodations, side events, and trips will be planned and executed by them. Promotion within the country will also be their responsibility.

The Local Organizing Committee will work collaboratively with the PAMEC.Energy Association to ensure the budget and plans for the Conference are feasible and achievable. They will also work with the Technical and Program Board to ensure the Program proposed for the Conference can be executed properly in terms of promotion, venues, etc. The Committee members also work to confirm strong Government/Country support for the conference.

International Advisory Board

Following the structure of the Asian Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (AWTEC), PAMEC has established an International Advisory Board made of up key individuals from the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) to ensure strong communication, and to build an international alliance. In addition to Advisory Board members from EWTEC, PAMEC’s Advisory Board include key leaders from AWTEC. The Advisory Board will provide advice and a conduit to ensure smooth communications among the three global marine renewable energy conferences.