Emiliano has a degree in Marine Sciences from the University of Vigo, specializing in physical oceanography. He did his M.Sc. in Coastal Oceanography at the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), Mexico, where he specialized in numerical wave modeling under the supervision of Dr. Héctor García Nava. He is currently a PhD candidate at UABC in the Environment and Development graduate program, where he assesses the feasibility of the sustainable use of wave energy as a renewable resource in Baja California.
He also actively participates in the Mexican Center for Innovation in Ocean Energy (CEMIE-Oceano) within the strategic line of Wave Energy. This center is in charge of generating innovative products, techniques, and technologies that exploit the diversity of available ocean energy resources to sustainably, effectively, and profitably supply an increasing part of the Mexican Republic’s energy demand. Within the same, he serves as vice president of the CEMIE-Ocean Student Committee and chairs the Pan-American Ocean Energy Students Network (POES.Energy). The latter promotes and encourages, in a synergic way, the generation and sustainable use of marine energy in the Pan-American context through a multi and interdisciplinary open platform created by and for students and young researchers who exchange information allowing them to contribute to the knowledge, as well as to the use of these energies.