PAMEC 2024 was hosted by the Corporation Centre of Excellence in Marine Sciences (CEMarin) at the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia January 22-24, 2024. Pre-conference workshops took place January 19 & 20. More than 75 participants from Aruba, Brazil, Canada, the Caribbean, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Netherlands, Panama, Puerto Rica, the UK, and USA particiapted

The 3rd Pan-American Marine Energy Conference bought together researchers, governments, and industry with an interest in marine renewable energy in the Americas (including the Caribbean) through a bi-annual Pan-American Marine Energy Conference (PAMEC). PAMEC 2024 is part of the family of conferences on Marine Renewable Energy Research and Development including, the European Wave and Tidal Conference (EWTEC) and the Asian Wave and Tidal Conference (AWTEC). The first PAMEC was in 2020 in Costa Rica and the second in Mexico in 2022.

A key element of the conference included presentations of abstracts submitted by researchers for review to the PAMEC Science & Technical Committee. Topics and themes that have emerged this year include Socio-economics, Environmental Effects, Resource characterization, Offshore Wind, Grid Integration, Instream & Tidal, Wave, Salinity Gradient, and OTEC. 

Presentations, Extended Abstracts & Posters are available in the Conference Program.


PAMEC 2024 Presenters & Speakers






Workshop Hosts